Why databases?

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Why do they exist?

Databases are very important in applications to store and retrieve data in efficient way.


1. Relational databses:

Why do they exist
  • used to store data which is related together.
  • we split and organize this data into tables, and there are relations between these tables as the data is related together.
  • Abides by the ACID rules (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)
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  • Widely used
  • They have a structure(schema)
  • schema defines structure, datatypes and limits
  • SQL (Structured Query Language) to query the database
  • postgresql, mysql, oracle
  • coucheDB, when you want to horizontally scale your database

2. Key Value databases

Why do they exist
  • simple, they just store key and value pair efficiently.
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  • very fast!!!
  • limited by memory, as data increases they suffer
  • often used in caching
  • sometimes used as message queue
  • redis, memcached, etcd

3. Wide column databases

why do they exist
  • if we want a key value store but the value needs to have multiple columns
  • schema less
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  • scalable
  • no joins
  • can handle unstructured data. for example, can be used in time series analysis
  • cassandra, hbase

4. Document databases

why do they exist
  • unstructured databses, can be almost used for anything.
  • so if you are starting out without any schema and have no idea what schema might become in future, use this. i.e if data is related together, move away from this
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  • documents -> containers for key value pairs
  • collection -> set of documents together
  • unstructured/schemaless, so no schema
  • no joins
  • nested data
  • updates and writes are slow but reads are fast
  • mongoDB, dynamoDB, couchDB

Graph databases

why do they exist
  • correletd data
  • relationship between data, ex: users, comments, friends etc.
  • use this if you can visualize the application database structure as graph
  • Neo4g

Search databases

why do they exist
  • given some data and query, you should be able to search in it(asap)
  • they create a posting list internally to return answers to the queries.
  • elasticsearch

  • You can always have a combination of different databases😊.